Group Policy and PWB as a shell

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Group Policy and PWB as a shell

Post by lureyes »

Sorry to bother again but I'm having yet another problem. Running PWBv2, IExplorer v6, Win XP Pro. I'm running a group policy that I modified and was originally posted by Microsoft to run as Kiosk mode. I've used the policy before when testing Opera and IExplorer to use for the kiosk. They all worked without a problem.

Now, I've setup PWB and I get errors when I load up PWB. I'm using PWB as a shell as %PROGRAMFILES%\PWBv2\PWB.exe (I installed on a directory diff. than default). It does open correctly but I get errors before it opens about not finding URL.txt and Access.rtf (and later Inactivity.rtf) because it mainly only checks for access, inactivity, and URL access.

The policy only applies to one user, so when I logout and log back in as a different user with the same ACL, I'm able to run PWB without a problem. This is actually happening on two different computers that I'm testing with the same settings.

I've narrowed it down to a restriction on my group policy but I can't seem to figure it out. I've looked through everything that I disabled but nothing seems to make sense.

Has anyone gone through this or have any idea what to do? Scott, could you maybe provide some insight as to what PWB does on startup so I can diagnose this further? I have made sure that the user has read access to the installation folder.

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Post by Scott »

When running an application as the Windows shell, the current folder is not specified.

Include the full paths to the files in the [files] section of the INI file to allow PWB to be able to find the files.

for example:


Notice the useage of the 8.3 naming convention for long file names in the path. I call this the "6 gimme 2" naming convention, as the long file names are shortened to the first 6 charaters and the 2 are added.


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Post by lureyes »

aha! that worked!

thanks, again.

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Post by lureyes »

Actually, I have another question. When the new PWB shell starts and loads, it takes a while for the initial page to show. I'm hosting the page with IIS on PC A. I have PC B that will be the main kiosk and startup page hosted on PC A lags. I have PC A also acting like it were a kiosk retrieving the page from itself and it still lags.

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Post by Scott »

When windows first logs on, the network may not be available. To combat this you can either turn off the fast logon, or use the CheckNet utility available on our download page.

Check these other forums posts for more details. ... .php?t=556 ... .php?t=491


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Post by lureyes »

Yes! Turning off fast logon did the trick.

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