Dialogs time out

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Dialogs time out

Post by Morgyne »

I know that I can set the amount of seconds the popup dialog windows to close, but what I require is for the user to click on the 'OK' button to make the popup go away not for it to close automatically. I have left the DialogSeconds=[blank] thinking that the timer would not start in that case, but it seems to default to 10 seconds and setting it to 0 does not do it either. Am I missing some other setting in the ini file, or can this not be done?

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Post by Scott »

Which dialog do you need to wait for the patron to press Ok before continuing?


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Post by Morgyne »

The Activity dialogs. I have the activity setup to notify the user that the browser will restart in 10 min, then 5 min, then 5 sec. The first 2 would be preferable, so they can not say they were not warned. Can this be done?

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Post by Scott »

May be setting the dialog seconds to like 600 seconds would make them have to hit ok or wait for 10 minutes?

I can add add functionality or in this case add a setting to take out the timer by early next week if setting the timer to a high number is not feasable for you.


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Thought you had the answer

Post by Morgyne »

Your suggestion of setting the timer to a long time to force them to hit ok I thought would be the answer. But when the dialog is displayed and it's timer is running the timer that displays at the bottom of the browser window and the one in the title area stop counting down and when it gets to the last dialog and the browser usually exits, the browser will not exit until you click on ok. So, it solves the one problem but causes the other because we really want the browser to exit at the end of the allowed time.
Would taking out the timer also cause the browser not to exit at the finish of the time period? If so, then I think the timer needs to stay for the browser exit is more important. Thanks for all your help.

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Post by Scott »

I can add functionality that will leave the main timer running but not time out the dialog. I should be able to have this functionality added by next week.


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Thank you!

Post by Morgyne »


Thank you very much. This type of service is much appreciated. I look forward to this ability and so do the faculty here in our library! :D

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Post by Scott »

We added the ability to disable the activity dialog timer and not pause the activity timer while the dialog is showing in PWB v2.09.4.


This only works if you have the HTML dialogs enabled, and you will need to add the following to your PWB INI file.


The warning dialogs will be close before the next one is shown, and the final dialog still uses the dialog timer. This is to allow PWB to continue to function even if the patron walks away.

Please note: PWB v2.09.4 is a beta version and will not be released as PWB v2.10 will include the functionality and be the next release.


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