SetPWB within a Script

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SetPWB within a Script

Post by chris »

Is it possible to use the setpwb.exe utility via the command line so it can be distributed via a script? I cannot find any documentation on how to do so. We have hundreds of computers that we do not want to have to run this manually on.

Also, the registry keys that are in the readme, are those the only ones that are changed during the install? So to revert back, would I just reapply the original registry settings, or is it a manual process?


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Post by Scott »

You could setup a PC with SetPWB, export the registry settings listed in the read me and import them via regedit onto the computers through a script.

The registry settings in the readme are only changed when you hit the Set button.

If you are interested I have a command line utility we use on our systems to set registry string data via a batch file.

I will add command line arguments for SetPWB to our todo list.



Reverting Back....

Post by Guest »

Thanks, I will give the registry setting piece a try. What happens if I want to make IE the default browser again? Is it just as easy to reverse, or would I use IE's built-in functionality to make itself the default browser?

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Post by Scott »

We created a new SetPWB command line version that runs from the command shell.

IE is happy to set itself back as the default browser. Or you can use a utility such as SetBrowser from


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