URLs and Shell Buttons

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URLs and Shell Buttons

Post by GregP »

Hi Everyone,

I'm wondering if anyone has a way to get URLs working from shell buttons without opening another browser window. At the moment I am using the command line:

"C:\Program Files\publicbrowser\publicbrowser.EXE /Ini="C:\Program Files\publicbrowser\popup.ini" http://www.hotmail.com"

I have tried just using the URL but PWB just freezes.

I know that hotmail can be set using the normal mail icon, we just have a few we want to add.


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Post by Scott »

PWB v1 does not support this, but PWB v2 does.


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Post by echamb »

I am using Version 2.05 Beta (didn't work on 2.04 either) of PWB trying to accomplish the same thing. This will be a series of e-mail kiosks. I wanted to create shell buttons that act just like favorites, i.e. you click on them and you browse to that page in the same window. The purpose of using shell buttons is so that I can create icons for each shortcut.


How can I create a shell button with a URL so that is opens in the same window. Is there some way to make the favorites appear in a bar by themselves and have an icon (like IE does with the "links" folder)?

On a side note: Is there a way to keep PWB from resizing my 32 x 32 icons to ?? x ?? It distorts them. If not, what size should they be so that they are not resized and distorted?


Eric from the University of Iowa, USA

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Post by Scott »

I have moved this topc to the PWB v2 forum. Please see the following post.

http://www.teamsoftwaresolutions.com/ph ... .php?p=978


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