All software on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is freeware, copyrighted by the original authors of the program, can be copied and distributed in their original forms freely. The software is distributed as is, with no warranties expressed or implied that the operation of the software will be uninterrupted or error free. You assume responsibility for the selection of software to meet your intended results and take all responsibility in the use of the software. By downloading any of the software you agree to the license agreement(s) on our Licensing page.
PWB Version 3 Edge
December 20, 2024
PWB v3.20.03 Edge Rendering Engine
PWB v3.20.03 x64 Edge Rendering Engine
PWB v3.20.03 Edge Rendering Engine MSI Installer
PWB Edge Upgrade Only
PWB x64 Edge Upgrade Only
PWB Version 3 CEF
June 6, 2023
PWB v3.05.16 (CEF) Chrome Rendering Engine
PWB v3.05.16 x64 (CEF) Chrome Rendering Engine
You need at least Windows 8 to use PWB v3.
PWB Version 2
December 5, 2013
PWB v2.11.9 MSI installer for Windows XP or Newer
PWB v2.11.9 MSI installer for Windows x64
December 5, 2013
PWB add-ons (32 bit only)
PWB drop in for native support of the elog web site.
Selectively disabled Ctrl-Esc, the Windows key, Start Menu, Desktop, and Task Tray, for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003
Resets PWB v3 inactivity timer from while any application has the focus. Works with version 3.05.1 or newer.
Resets PWB v2 inactivity timer from while any application has the focus.
Writes date, time, and computer name, to log file when PWB starts.
Closes Application windows by activation or focus. Can be used to prevent IE downloads by closing "File Download" window.
Disabled Alt-Tab and Alt-Esc for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003
Disabled Ctrl-Esc, the Windows key, and hides the Start Menu button for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003
Interacts with the Kick-Off System from Sophisticated Circuits
PWB Other Utilities
FilterCheck Version
Checks address against URL filter. Useful for trouble shooting and optimizing your URL filter file.
SetPWB Version 1.05
Sets Public Web Browser as default web browser.
SetPWB for Windows 7+ Version 1.10.0
Sets Public Web Browser as default web browser in Windows 7.
PWB License Version 1.00
A small application to update the PWB License number. Includes default settings for license number, and INI file location. Can also set/unset hidden and read only attributes on INI file.
PWBRegister Version: 1.00
Small console application to enter PWB registration number in the INI file of a previously registered version.
PWBStop v1.00
Sends PWB v2 the WM_CLOSE message to close the PWB Windows. can be used as a shell button.
PB Stop v1.00
Causes PWB to stop running, can be used as a shell button.
Written by Bill Tantzen from the University of MN.
AutoRestart Version:
Simple to use auto restart application. AutoRestart restarts specified applications and terminates unresponsive applications.
HideGUI Version:
HideGUI hides the Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI), and disables selective key combinations.
ProxyChoice Version: 1.01
ProxyChoice enables or disables the proxy. Can be used in the PWB startup script to give patrons a choice between filtered and non-filtered access.
CloseAll Version: 1.00
Small utility to close all Windows.
PrintQueue Version: 1.00
Displays the default print queue on Windows NT, 2K, XP systems.
Helpful as a shell button when using PWB as the Windows Shell.
DownClock Version: 1.04
Dialog with countdown timer. When time expires several configurable actions can be taken.
CloseActive Version: 1.01
Closes active window, can be used as PWB shell button.
AutoLogon Version:
Auto logon for Windows NT/2000/XP.
LogOff Version: 1.02
Logs the current user off, can be used as a PWB shell button.
Application Launch Version: 1.01
Displays a configurable policy dialog box with agree and disagree buttons. When policy is agreed to, an application is launched.
ClearIECache Version: 1.02
Clears IE cache files including cookies. Includes command line switches to hide the dialog, disable the cancel button, and keep the cookies or history.
TMail (MailTo replacement) Version: 1.03
Simple email client with build in security features. Can be used for Send To for PWB v2.03 or higher send to option.
Secure Word Pad Editor Version: 1.00
A simple configurable editor that can be secured.
ManageIE Version 1.03.1
ManageIEx64 Version 1.03.1
Concept Internet Explorer Browser Helper Object (BHO) that closes IE when it is opened to web site.