You can easily count PWB usage with a VBScript from the PWB [Files]StartupScript= setting.
Create a VBScript file and counter file, for example "count.vbs" and "count.txt".
Edit the "count.txt" file and enter a start value such as 1.
Edit the "count.vbs" file and add the following.
Dim TS, FSO, s1
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set TS = FSO.OpenTextFile("c:\count.txt", 1)
s1 = TS.ReadAll
Set TS = Nothing
L = (CLng(s1) + 1)
s1 = CStr(L)
Set TS = FSO.CreateTextFile("c:\count.txt", True)
TS.Write s1
Set TS = Nothing
This is directly from the following web site. ... voice.aspx
Set the "count.vbs' file in the INI file.
If you do not have the following set in your INI file you will need to start "count.vbs" from a batch file.
Each PWB is started the counter will be incremented by one.
Counting PWB Usage
Moderators: Tyler, Scott, PWB v2 Moderator