Version 3.20.00 08-19-2024
Changed to Microsoft Edge Browser WebView
Changed to include Print Preview in Only Access HTTP and Only Access Internet
[Toolbars]CustomTabColors= Comma spearated #RRGGBB colors for tabs
[Java]JavaHideNavbar= Dynamic External JavaScript Command hide Navigation bar. Argument string "true" or "false"
[Java]JavaHideShellbar= Dynamic External JavaScript Command hide Shell bar. Argument string "true" or "false"
[Java]JavaHideRebar= Dynamic External JavaScript Command hides all bars. Argument string "true" or "false"
[Java]JavaHideKioskBar= Dynamic External JavaScript Command hide Kiosk bar. Argument string "true" or "false"
[Java]JavaAddressBarReadOnly= Dynamic External JavaScript Command set address bar read only. Argument string "true" or "false"
[Java]JavaHomePage= Dynamic External JavaScript Command set home page. Argument string "URL"
[Java]JavaHistoryFile= Dynamic External JavaScript Command set history file. Argument string "path to history file"
[Java]JavaAccessMessageFile= Dynamic External JavaScript Command set access message file. Argument string "path to HTML file"
[Java]JavaCheckURLFile= Dynamic External JavaScript Command reset URL filter file. Argument string "path to URL file"
[Java]JavaOpen= Dynamic External JavaScript Command Open new window. Argument string "URL"
[PageScripts] Multiple keys to read JavaScript files and inject the script into the page. First line of file needs to be URL to match
[Browser]UserAgent= Sets Browser User Agent. Same as using --user-agent="" command line argument
[Browser]DefaultLanguage= Default Language for CEF to use
[Browser]ShowChromeErrors=False Show errors when Chrome encounters an error message
[Browser]TabLabelLength= Sets max length of tab title, default 1024
[Browser]HomeButtonClose=False Closes browser when home button is pressed
[Browser]UseRAMCache=False Uses RAM for cahce instead of hard drive
[Browser]DisablePWBUserAgent=False Disables adding PWB to the User Agen String
[Security]RestartWaitforIdle=True Waits for new PWB instance to be idle when restarting
[Security]RestartShellExecute=True Uses ShellExecute instead of CreateProcess when restarting
[Security]RestartSeparatePaths=True Uses seperate paths when using CreateProcess
[Security]ExecuteCloseAboutBlank=False Closes About:Blank window on CheckExecuteAccess
[Security]DisableFileOpen=False Disables JavaScript open file dialog
[Security]DisableFileSave=False Disables JavaScript save file dialog
[Security]CheckUserAgent=False Enable User Agent URL filter
[Security]CheckProtocolAccess=False Enable Protocol filter
[Security]CheckJavaScriptAccess=False Enable JavaScript URL filter
[Security]DisableFileOpen=False Disable File Open Dialog
[Security]DisableFileSave=False Disable File Save Dialog
[Security]DisabledMessage= Message when dialogs are disabled
[Security]DisabledTitle= Title of message when dialogs are disabled
[Files]AuthenticationMessageFile= Use custom HTML file when authentication is needed
[Files]DisableFileDialogFile= Used with [Security]DisableFileDialog, when file is listed the dialog will show when File Dialog is disabled.
[Files]ProtocolFilterFile= Filter file for Protocol filter. Similar to URL filter except works on protocol ex: http://
[Files]UserAgentFilterFile= Filter URL to set User Agent Tab separated +/-URL and User Agent String
[Files]JavaScriptFilterFile= Filter file for JavaScript filter. Tab separated +/-URL and JavaScript file
[Printer]CheckPrinterAccess Enable Print URL filter
[Printer]CheckPrinterFile Filter file for Print filter. +/-URL to allow printing. Similar to the URL filter
[Printer]CheckPrinterMessage HTML formatted message shown when printing is blocked.
[Overrides]ClearCookies= Clears the cookies
[Inactivity]ResetOnNavigation=True Resets inactivity timer on navigation
[ContextMenu]Share= Enables Edge Context menu for Share
[ContextMenu]ScreenShot=Web Capture Enables Edge Context menu for Web Capture
[ContextMenu]CopyLink=Copy Link Enables Edge Context menu for Copy Link
[ContextMenu]CopyImage=Copy Image Enables Edge Context menu for Copy Image
[ContextMenu]CopyLocation=Copy Location Enables Edge Context menu for Copy Location
[ContextMenu]MagnifyImage=Magnify Image Enables Edge Context menu for Magnify Image
[ContextMenu]Emoji= Enables Edge Context menu for Emoji
[ContextMenu]PasteMatchStyle=Paste and Match Style Enables Edge Context menu for Paste and Match Style
[ContextMenu]SelectAll=Select All Enables Edge Context menu for Select All
[ContextMenu]Loop=Loop Enables Edge Context menu for Loop
[ContextMenu]ShowControls=Show Controls Enables Edge Context menu for Show Controls
[ContextMenu]SaveMediaAs= Enables Edge Context menu for Save Media As
[ContextMenu]CopyVideoFrame=Copy Video Frame Enables Edge Context menu for Copy Video Frame
[ContextMenu]PictureInPciture=Picture In Pciture Enables Edge Context menu for Picture In Pciture
[Highlight] Section